文章分类: 上学校

The Outliers Robotics team finishes in second place in the New England Championships

Congratulations to the Outliers Robotics team for an impressive showing in the New England Championships, 他们在哪里面对该地区96支顶级球队. The Outliers got off to a rocky start on the first day as their robot...

Waynflete secures another victory in the Maine State Science Olympiad

祝贺已准备就绪! Waynflete continued its reign as Maine State Science Olympiad champions in a close 23-event competition at the University of Maine this past weekend. The team beat Falmouth by a mere three points, illustrating just how important...

Hundreds of students attend eighth annual New England Youth Identity Summit

A stormy end to the week didn't deter more than 300 students and educators from attending Waynflete’s eighth annual New England Youth Identity Summit on Saturday. More than 31 student-run workshops were on offer, on topics ranging from climate justice...


Congratulations to the 上学校 Math Team for earning second place in the Class D division of the Maine State Math Meet yesterday. Each question in the meet was worth three or more points—the team missed out on the championship...


Ten Waynflete students recently competed in the Maine State Science Bowl, 一个由能源部赞助的智力竞赛. 在科学老师Wendy Curtis和Katrina St. John, Waynflete’s two five-person teams faced off in this rapid-fire, buzzer-style...

Outliers robotics team overcomes challenges to take victory at Granite State

The Outliers Robotics team is once again the winner of the Granite State Robotics competition! 35 teams from across New England competed in this three-day event in New Hampshire.   Team members grappled with unexpected and complex mechanical, electrical, and coding...

Creating conversation: Waynflete introduces Digital Journalism program

去年秋天, Waynflete offered a Digital Journalism course taught by local podcast producer and journalist Emma Reynolds. 在学期中, students produced podcasts and wrote articles about stories in the Waynflete community. 他们学会了如何进行采访,录制音频,...

上学校ers compete at MIT Science Olympiad invitational tournament

Fifteen 上学校 science students traveled to MIT on January 20 for an invitational Science Olympiad tournament. 学生 competed with schools from across the country in 23 different science and engineering events. 有些活动要求学生设计、建造和制作...

韦恩弗里特主持了“新巴黎人注册网站能。? 连接”在奥古斯塔市政中心

Waynflete's 第三个想法 for Civic Engagement initiative recently hosted "Can We? 连接," a full-day conference at the Augusta Civic Center for high school students from fourteen partner schools in Maine who are participating in 的可以 We? 今年的项目....

上学校 students reflect on NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference

四名高中学生最近加入了超过2名,000 students at the NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference in St. 路易斯,密苏里州. 这次会议是一个多种族的会议, multicultural gathering of student leaders from independent high schools across the globe that allowed...


祝贺24届露西·哈特和24届雅各布·伍德曼, who have been named the Waynflete Flyers Fall Athletes of the Year by the Portland Press Herald! 阅读更多.ly / 3 r5hv1c. 露西最近还获得了缅因州足球教练奖...


The Perspective 项目 is an 上学校 student-led initiative that uses the power of conversation to learn from—and celebrate—diverse perspectives and experiences. The 项目 recently held their first event of the year featuring Margo Walsh ’82, 他是MaineWorks的创始人...

Dr. Nnedi Okorafor在Waynflete将故事带入生活

学生, 教师, 社区成员受到了鼓舞, 娱乐, 并被周一晚上对获奖作家劳伦斯博士的采访所感动. Nnedi Okorafor. Dr. Okorafor spoke of her experience as a daughter of Nigerian immigrants, 她作为一个作家的过程, 她对...

Embracing innovation: 上学校 students delve into computer-aided design

学生 in Intro to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) are gaining experience in designing intricate components using sophisticated CAD software. This software is used to design precision machines and components across various industries, 从航空航天到计算机芯片制造. 这些部分...

Behind the scissors: Joshua Coombes delivers an inspiring presentation to the 上学校

In 2015, 英国发型师乔舒亚·库姆斯创立了“免费做事”组织,” a movement that inspires people to share their time with people in need and to make a difference in their own way. 约书亚和上坡分享了他的旅程...


Congratulations to our girls varsity soccer team on an impressive 9–1 victory over Sacopee Valley at our first Friday Night Lights game! 对于新巴黎人注册网站的家庭来说,这是一个不可思议的夜晚, 校友, 教员/员工, 和其他新巴黎人注册网站社区成员——超过...

Outside the classroom: 上学校 students participate in community service days

Ninth- and tenth-graders recently participated in grade-level service days as part of the 上学校 社区 Engagement Program. 他们在伊丽莎白角的逃跑农场度过了一天, 这是伊丽莎白角土地信托公司开放的众多物业之一...

Waynflete’s 第三个想法 program receives significant grant from Unum

Waynflete has received a $50,000 grant from Unum to support 的可以 We? 项目, one of several initiatives run by the school’s 第三个想法 Institute for Civic Engagement program. 奖助金将在两年期间内提供. 的可以...


23岁的安娜·西格尔最近去了华盛顿, DC, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act and advocate for further conservation legislation. 阅读更多关于安娜的旅行(用她自己的话)!)下面写道:“上周,我第一次怀孕了...

125 years and counting: Waynflete celebrates its anniversary with special Founders’ Day treats

今天是韦恩弗里特的生日! We celebrated our 125th year with a Founders' Day celebration that included cupcakes for all students and employees. 你知道韦恩弗里特的创始人吗, 艾格尼丝·洛厄尔和卡罗琳·克里斯菲尔德, 把学校卖给了一家新成立的公司...

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